How to Retain Your Bettors with the Help of a Pay Per Head Company

A good Pay Per Head company can help bookies retain their bettors.

Retaining bettors can improve the performance and profits of the betting business. It can also help bookies grow their business.

But retaining customers is not easy, and it requires the right strategies and tools to do it.

In this blog, we will discuss how a Pay Per Head company can help us to retain more and better our bettors.

Why is it important to retain your betting business customers?

Retaining an existing customer is better than getting two new customers. This is because a loyal repeat customer is more profitable for the business.

According to HubSpot data, retaining a customer costs seven times less than getting a new one and represents a 95% contribution to business profitability.

In addition, repeat customers are willing to play and spend more on your gambling site.

The problem is that most bookies neglect customer retention and focus too much on just getting new customers.

While there is nothing wrong with deploying strategies to get new customers. These strategies usually require a lot of time, money, and effort to execute. In addition, it is possible that a new customer may play once and never return to the betting site, which is not good.

For this reason, customer retention is one of the most critical strategies that bookies must execute in order to grow their betting business.

What is customer retention?

Customer retention consists of performing actions that motivate bettors to play more or for a more extended period. That is to keep them active for a longer time and keep them coming back to the betting site.

Retention strategies have to be oriented to satisfy the bettors by providing them with a quality service and exceeding their expectations. As a result, the bettor will be happy and will feel very comfortable, satisfied, and eager to return to your betting site.

There are several ways and strategies to retain customers of a betting site. But the key to achieving the goal of retaining as many customers as possible is to have a good Pay Per Head company.

How can a Pay Per Head company help retain customers?

A Pay Per Head company provides bookies with a complete set of tools and platforms to manage their betting business.

Several of these tools and platforms can be used to retain customers and turn them into repeat bettors of the betting site.

Some of the tools that bookies can use to retain customers are:

Customer service staff

Nowadays, bettors value very much to receive a high-quality customer service. Moreover, they also demand to have several channels of communication.

For example, bettors expect a betting site to have a live chat, email, and a toll-free 800 number.

Pay Per Head companies provide bookies with a complete customer service staff. The members of this staff are highly trained and have extensive experience in the betting industry.

Thanks to this staff, the bookie can provide its customers with several channels of communication. And can rest assured that a highly competent and capable staff is serving their customers.

By providing high-quality customer service, bettors feel more satisfied, comfortable, and happy with your betting business.

As a result, these bettors return more frequently to your betting site.

It would be best if you did not underestimate the impact that good customer service can have on your betting business. Top customer service can make your business stand out from the competition and position you as a market leader.

Pay Per Head Company Betting Catalog

Gamblers nowadays get bored very quickly. That’s why betting sites must have a wide range of betting options.

These catalogs should include lines and odds for sports, events, and activities from all over the world. They should also include casino games, racebooks, and even fantasy leagues.

Thanks to Pay Per Head companies, bookies can satisfy even the most demanding bettor.

Pay Per Head companies provide bookies with a robust infrastructure that includes access to:

  • Lines and odds for over 80 sports leagues around the world
  • Lines and odds for special events such as awards shows, political elections, and even reality TV shows.
  • Over 400 state-of-the-art casino games.
  • 70 racetracks from around the world.

With such an extensive infrastructure, bookies are able to create one or more betting sites with everything bettors are looking for and more.

A vast catalog of games and betting lines will make bettors always want to come back to the betting site.

In addition, Pay Per Head companies invest a lot of resources in developing new betting products. Therefore bookies will always have access to new things like games, odds, and features. As a result, they will always be able to offer new products to their customers to motivate them to return to the betting site.

Reporting Tool

Finally, one of the most powerful tools offered by Pay Per Head companies is the reporting tool.

Bookies can get to know their bettors in depth through this tool. They will be able to consult all the bets and movements that each bettor has made.

As a result, the bookie can determine the tastes and betting habits of their customers. With this information, is super easy to design strategies to retain those bettors.

For example, you can offer a special birthday bonus to each bettor to bet on their favorite team. By doing this, you will create a more profound and closer connection with your bettors.

In addition, the bettor will feel special and feel that the bookie values him. As a result, this customer will want to return to the betting site on a regular basis.

The reporting tool allows bookies to extract a wealth of information that will enable them to grow their business.

How to make the most of a Pay Per Head company to retain customers?

To take advantage of all the tools and platforms that a Pay Per Head company offers, it is necessary to partner with the best provider in the market.
The best Pay Per Head companies provide support and guidance to their bookies so that they can learn how to use each tool. And can design a strategy that will allow them to achieve success.

To identify the best Pay Per Head companies we recommend reading the best Pay Per Head reviews.


Thanks to the infrastructure of a Pay Per Head company, it is possible to deploy strategies to retain bettors.

A bettor who is loyal and recurrent on your betting site is much more profitable for your business. Therefore the more bettors you can retain, the better returns your business will offer, and the more money will come into your bank account.

With the growth that the betting market is experiencing, your business must have the mechanisms, infrastructure, and strategies to serve the bettors properly.

A satisfied and happy bettor is not only loyal to your betting site, but will also recommend you to others and help your betting business grow much faster.