Business Intelligence for a PPH Sportsbook.

PPH Sportsbook owners need to gather information about the market and their competitors to make the right decisions.

The market moves at a fast pace, and consumer tastes change rapidly. Bookies must stay on top of all these changes to be competitive.

Business intelligence is the perfect tool to keep a finger on the pulse of the market changes and to be able to draw winning strategies.

In this blog we will introduce you to what business intelligence is and how you can apply it to take your betting business to the next level.

What is business intelligence?

Business intelligence consists of gathering information about the market, consumers, competitors, and any other elements that may affect your business.

Through research, data analysis, and interpretation, it is possible to understand the state of the market and determine potential changes in the market.

The objective of business intelligence is to discover opportunities or threats so that the bookie can draw the right strategies.

Through business intelligence, it is possible to make the right moves for the business to grow. It also makes it possible to concentrate efforts and resources in the right places.

As a result, bookies can be more effective and successful in managing their betting business by employing business intelligence.

Why is business intelligence necessary for a PPH Sportsbook?

The betting industry is growing at a super-fast pace. For example, according to the American Gaming Association, nearly eight million people placed bets on Super Bowl LV. As a result, more than $4.3 billion was wagered on that game, which is a record high.

As the number of bettors is growing, so is the number of online sportsbooks. It is for this reason that bookies have to be very attentive to changes in the market.

A bookie who is well informed about the main market trends will be able to develop better strategies to grow his business.

Business intelligence is the best tool to gather all the critical information that bookies need for their business.

Business intelligence has two main components, market intelligence, and competitor intelligence.

Market Intelligence For a PPH Sportsbook.

Market intelligence consists of information about the main trends in the industry. For example, by researching the market, it is possible to determine the tastes and preferences of the bettors.

As a result, the bookie can develop and incorporate new products and services to meet market demands.

A good market intelligence system allows the bookie to stay ahead of the industry and keep up with the latest trends. Hence, the bookie can design better marketing strategies, build better customer relationships and develop a more effective growth plan.

Competitor Intelligence For a PPH Sportsbook.

Competitor intelligence consists of gathering information about the competition. Bookies should keep an eye on what their competitors are doing.

Studying the competition makes it possible to discover what strategies they are implementing and what products and services they offer.

As a result, it is possible to know what our competitors are doing better. Therefore, we will be able to design strategies to counter and surpass the competition.

How to do business intelligence for a PPH Sportsbook?

Implementing a business intelligence strategy is quite simple, and you only need to follow these three steps.


Incorporate the practice of researching the market and your competitors into your work routine.

You can use different online resources such as the best Pay Per Head reviews to carry out the research phase.

Through the reviews, you will be able to know what Pay Per Head providers are offering in terms of products and services. As a result, you will be able to understand what is new in the industry. You will also be able to know what tools your competitors are using.

It would be best to visit your competitors’ websites to learn about their offers, promotions, and how they treat their customers.

Finally, you must conduct surveys to your current and potential customers. Through surveys, you will know if your customers are satisfied and what their needs are in betting products and services.

The more information you collect, the better opportunities you will discover.


Data will do you no good if you don’t analyze it. For this reason, you must spend time interpreting all the information you gather in the research phase.

Use a google sheet to compile all the information you collect. This way, you will be able to access the information easily and quickly.

When analyzing the data, try to discover patterns or trends that can affect your business or that you can take advantage of to grow your betting site.

Design Strategies

When you discover an exciting pattern or trend in the data, try to think of a strategy to take advantage of it. For example, after reading several reports, you realize that most bettors are interested in mobile betting. You can check the quality of your mobile betting platform to verify that it meets the expectations and demands of the market.

In short, try to use all the information you gather to improve your betting business. By adapting and improving your betting business, you will be able to serve your bettors better. As a result, you will be able to expand your business and your profits in no time.

Can a PPH Sportsbook be successful without business intelligence?

A common question among bookies is whether they can operate a successful betting business without business intelligence.

The short answer is no. A betting business that does not implement business intelligence into its decision-making is unlikely to be successful.

For example, if the bookie does not know what products and services bettors demand, it will not be able to adapt its business to meet those demands.

On the other hand, if a bookie does not keep an eye on the competition, it will overtake its business in no time.

To have a truly successful betting business, it is necessary to know the state of the market very well in order to make the best decisions.

Business intelligence is one of the best practices that big brands like Walmart, Amazon, or Toyota incorporate into their business strategy. In fact, much of their success is due to their ability to study and analyze the market in a timely manner.

If you want to have a betting business that is the Amazon of the industry, you must implement business intelligence.


The world of online sports betting is a surprisingly competitive one. The more you know about your competitors, the better you can position yourself to succeed. Business intelligence is a powerful tool that can help you do that and a lot more. It’s important to keep this in mind if you own a PPH Sportsbook. By gathering information about the market and your competitors, you can learn more about how to serve your customers better.