Some Tips On Linking And Anchor Text For Your Betting Website

An online bookie needs to know all of the SEO tricks of the trade if he is going to get people to visit his website and grow his business. A betting website needs a steady stream of visitors if it is going to have enough exposure to grow its client base.

When an online bookie uses the right kind of SEO tactics, then he will see his web traffic grow and he will be able to market his website to people who are interested in what his site has to offer.

The price per head system offers a user dashboard that taps into a wealth of marketing information for the online bookie. The analytics software offered by the price per head system will tell you exactly which pages on your website are popular and where the traffic is coming from.

You can use this information to create content that is both engaging and interesting to your growing customer base. The more you know about your web traffic, the more you can customize your website to bring in more business.

Adding links and anchor text to your website is an important part of growing your web traffic.

The cardinal rule of linking is to never buy links to put on your sports betting website. It is a complicated process, but Google knows when you have purchased links and your website will be punished because of it.

You need to make contact with other website owners who offer services complementary to yours and offer to do a mutual link swap. A good example of a website that offers a service complementary to your betting website would be a sports news website.

You put a link on your site to the news website, and the news website responds by putting a link to your betting site somewhere in its content.

Google wants to see organic growth to your linking, so be sure to always pursue link partners on your own and only do business with partners that make sense. If your betting website starts having links from car manufacturers, then that may be looked upon by Google as a bad thing and get your website in trouble.

Anchor text is the text you attach the link to in our content. Never use the website address as anchor text because Google frowns on that.

If you have a link to a sports news site, then the anchor text could be “sports news” or “latest sports updates.” Always make sure that your anchor text is pertinent to your website and the website you are linking to.

Once again, if Google thinks that you are just stuffing unrelated links into your website content, then your website could be banned from search results for at least 30 days. It can take months to undo the damage that can be done by trying to fool Google with bad links, so be careful and follow the rules.