How to do a Test Drive of a Pay Per Head Bookie Software

If you are in the market for a new Pay Per Head Bookie Software, the chances are that you have spent several hours researching various providers.

Moreover, if you have used the best Pay Per Head reviews, you probably have a shortlist of the most interested companies and whose offer is attractive to you.

Therefore, if you already have a shortlist of companies you are interested in doing business with, it is time to take those companies for a test drive.

The best Pay Per Head companies on the market offer a free trial of several weeks in which you can test all their functions and features.

But to make the most of this free trial, you must have a plan to evaluate each company and make the best decision properly.

In this blog, we present you with some tips to correctly perform the test drive of a Pay Per Head company.

What Can’t be Missing in the Pay Per Head Bookie Software?

This is the first question you should answer before starting the test drive. Make a list of the functions and features that should not be missing in the bookie software you hire.

If you are not sure what features to put on this list, you can consult with other bookies on forums and specialized sites to get their opinion.

Another way to define your priority list is to think about what you need to make your job as a bookie easier. Describe these features in detail and keep the list handy to refer to it when you are doing the free trial.

Plan Your Route

During the free trial, you will have a limited time to test the bookie software. You should make the most of that time by trying and seeing all that the pay per head software has to offer.

Your priority list becomes helpful at this point to plan your route and define a schedule of how you will perform the free trial.

Try to concentrate in the first stage on getting to know the generalities of the bookie software. In the second stage, look for and check that the software offers the functions and features you are looking for.

Finally, in the third stage, try to identify the unique features and special functions that the bookie software offers.

Pay Per Head companies will try to draw your attention to their special functions or most robust features. It is important that you don’t get distracted and focus on what you really care about and need.

Bring Some Friends

During the free trial, you will be able to use the bookie software in its entirety. In other words, you can do a simulation with some real bettors.

Enlist some trusted friends or clients to help you test the bookie software from the betting side.

Designate time to use the bookie software as you would on a typical day in your betting business. Receive bets, set limits, move lines and odds and manage your betting business from the software you are testing.

This is a great way to see first hand if the bookie software suits your needs and those of your customers.

In addition, by having the bettors’ perspective, you will be able to evaluate the bookie software more objectively.
Many bookies make the mistake of not considering the Pay Per Head company in a realistic environment. As a result, they get unpleasant surprises when it comes time to use the company’s products and services in the real world.

Remember that the free trial is an opportunity to dive into the bookie software without risking money. For this reason, you should take full advantage of them.

Take Your Time to Reflect

Every time you use a feature or function of the bookie software, take your time to analyze its performance. Ask yourself the following questions:

Was it easy to use?
Did I feel comfortable using this feature?
Is it within what I look for in a bookie software?
In a real-world context, will this feature be useful for my betting business?

Write down your answers to each of these questions in as much detail as possible, as having them in writing will be very useful later on. We will call this document the reflections and conclusions sheet.

In addition to the questions mentioned above, write down anything else you think is relevant to your experience with that supplier. For example, it could be doubts you have about their services, areas for improvement or the overall quality of your experience, or that of your customers during the free trial.

Try Several Pay Per Head Bookie Software Providers

A test drive of a bookie software is of little value if you don’t have a framework for comparison. You should try at least three Pay Per Head providers in order to have a comparison criterion.

It doesn’t matter if the first company you try convinces you and proves to be the best option. Go ahead and try other companies, as this will help you have a more objective perspective before making a decision.

Compare Each Supplier of Pay Per Head Bookie Software

When you have completed the test drive with each vendor, compare each vendor’s reflection and conclusions sheet. By comparing the sheet, you will be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each supplier more easily.

You will also be able to review important things that caught your attention or caused you discomfort with each free trial.

Reviewing each provider’s detailed reflection and conclusion sheet will help you make the best decision on which company to choose.

Consult Directly With the Staff of Each Company

If you have any doubts or had a bad experience during the free trial, you must contact the Pay Per Head company.

The best Pay Per Head companies in the market take great care to ensure that their clients have a high-quality experience. Therefore, a good company will do everything possible to clarify your doubts or improve the points in which they failed.

On the other hand, if you notice that the company does not care much about your feedback. This is a red flag to stay away from that company.

Try Again

If you are not convinced to make a decision after the test drive, talk to the Pay Per Head company and ask for a new free trial.

Most companies will offer you an opportunity to try their products and services again for a shorter period.
In addition, the company will offer you help to clarify your doubts and guide you through the free trial.

A second free trial is a great opportunity to know the Pay Per Head company better and see how attentive and helpful the staff is.

Don’t be afraid to ask all the questions you have and clarify what you expect from a Pay Per Head provider.

Don’t Rush on Test Drives

Performing a good test drive of a bookie software takes time. Hence, you should not rush and take the process lightly.

If you do things right and test several Pay Per Head companies, this process will likely take several months.

You must be disciplined and meticulous in your test drives and take as much time as you need.

The worst mistake you can make is to do the test drive too quickly and superficially.

Keep an Eye on Market Trends

Pay Per Head companies are constantly innovating and developing new products to adapt to market trends. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep abreast of market trends and conduct a couple of vendor test drives from time to time.

No matter if you are satisfied with your current Pay Per Head provider, it is advisable to go out and try other providers.