Pay Per Head Basics. Anyone can be a lucrative bookie.

Pay Per Head Basics. Everyone is familiar with the gambling industry. Either because they have escaped to Las Vegas a few times or because they have bet with friends or family on Sunday football.

According to The Fact Site, 51% of the world’s population gambles in some way.

Few people know that anyone can establish a betting business and go from being a gambler to a bookie.

And it is that being a bookie, you are entering an industry that moves more than $500 billion a year. Consequently, you can have a lucrative business.

How can anyone become a bookie?

Thanks to Pay Per Head providers, anyone can create a lucrative betting business. Regardless of their level of sports betting experience.

Pay Per Head companies are dedicated to developing and maintaining all the software, hardware, and staff infrastructure that a bookie needs.

In general, Pay Per Head companies are made up of staff who have worked all their lives in the betting industry. So they know very well what it takes to succeed in this industry.

The oldest Pay Per Head businesses can be traced back to 1998, and today there are over 10,000 businesses in operation.

How do Pay Per Head companies work?

Pay Per Head companies provides various services which we can divide into three broad groups: Software, Hardware, and Staff.


Pay Per Head companies provide their clients with powerful betting software.

Through this betting software, bookies can fully manage the business.

The betting software works in two ways with a front end and a back end.

On the backend, the bookie will manage which betting lines are presented to clients, what will be the betting limits of each client or each sport.

In addition, on the backend, the bookie will manage all the information about each player. As a result, the bookie will know each player’s betting habits, the amounts he bets, and even how much money need to be collect and pay to the bettor.

Through the betting software’s frontend, the client or bettor will place their bets, access the betting catalog, fund their account, and request payments.

The infrastructure provided by the betting software allows bookies to have a first-rate business.

Thanks to Pay Per Head companies, independent bookies can have a betting business with the same characteristics and functions as the industry’s major brands.

Pay Per Head companies invests hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring gambling software up to industry standards.

In this way, due to the large investments of Pay Per Head companies, bookies can be competitive and have everything they need for their business to grow in the market.

Betting options

As we mentioned, the bookie can select which betting lines will be presented to the clients through the backend of the betting software.

But that’s not all; through the betting software, the bookie can access a catalog with more than 80 sports, events, and leagues from around the world.

Additionally, the bookie can also create an online casino with slot machines, video poker, and roulette, to name a few.

Besides, the bookie can also create a racebook with race tracks from around the world.

In a word, thanks to Pay Per Head, the bookie can establish an entire entertainment business with a vast catalog of betting options.

With so many betting options, the bookie can serve all types of bettors. As a result, the bookie will be able to expand his business to a global market.

By itself, an independent bookie could never offer such a comprehensive betting catalog to its bettors.


Just as important as the software is the hardware that Pay Per Head companies provide.

Most Pay Per Head companies on the market offer dedicated servers.

These servers are essential for the betting business to function properly since they store the bookie’s information and his bettors.

Also, it is through these servers that the bookie accesses the betting software.

Pay Per Head companies dedicated a large part of their investment to protect these servers.

Since they store the bookie and his bettors’ information, these servers have sophisticated firewalls and security protocols that prevent hacker attacks.

Pay Per Head companies invests in placing backup servers in several different locations. In this way, if something fatal happens in one of the server’s sites, the others will not be affected.

The Pay Per Head companies’ dedicated servers ensure that the betting business runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without interruption.

In addition to the dedicated servers, the Pay Per Head companies also provides a telephone exchange.

This telephone exchange includes an 800 number through which bettors can place bets.

To guarantee communication continuity in this telephone exchange, Pay Per Head companies use technology that incorporates traditional telephone networks and satellite communication, and VoIP.


In the same way that Pay Per Head companies invest large sums of money to provide the latest software and hardware to their clients, they also do it to have the best staff.

There are three types of staff within Pay Per Head companies. All of which are equally important to ensuring the betting business’s success.


The oddsmakers are in charge of calculating the betting odds for each league and sport available in the betting catalog.

Before Pay Per Head companies, bookies had to calculate the odds for each sport and event themselves, which was a tedious and complicated job.

A wrong calculation of an odd can leave the bookie exposed and can cost a lot of money.

Therefore Pay Per Head companies only employ experienced oddsmakers, who can calculate very lucrative odds for bookies.

Having a full staff of oddsmakers makes life easier for the bookie. And allows them to focus on other tasks that help the business grow.

Account managers

Depending on the Pay Per Head business’s size, each bookie is likely to be assigned an account executive.

This account executive will be the main point of contact between the bookie and the Pay Per Head company.

The executive will ensure that the bookie makes the most of all the services that the Pay Per Head company provides.

For novice bookies, account executives are very supportive, guiding them through the entire process of setting up and growing the betting business.

Customer service staff

As we mentioned before, the Pay Per Head companies provide bookies with a free 800 number.

Along with this phone number comes a staff of clerks to serve gamblers.

These clerks speak several languages ​​and possess extensive knowledge of betting.

Thanks to this clerks staff, bookies will provide a high-level service to their bettors.

How much do the services of a Pay Per Head company cost?

After knowing the services that a Pay Per Head company provides and how its internal structure works, the logical question is: how much does it cost to hire a Pay Per Head company?

In reality, Pay Per Head companies are more accessible than you might think.

The price range for a Pay Per Head company’s services is between $ 7 to $ 35 per head.

The concept of charge per head means that the bookie will only have to pay for the active players who place bets in the period of the month.

This per head charge scheme allows the bookie to keep her operating costs very low and maximize profits.

In summary, Pay Per Head companies are the mechanism to establish a lucrative betting business without making a large investment.

Through a Pay Per Head company, you can create a first-class betting business with all the services and betting options that bettors are looking for.

Understanding the basics of Pay Per Head is just the beginning to enter the lucrative world of gambling.

We recommend that those interested in establishing their own betting business do more research on the different Pay Per Head providers on the market.

There are several websites where you can get reviews of the best Pay Per Head providers of the market.

It is also advisable to investigate the best way to choose the best Pay Per Head provider.